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Introduction to Apache OpenWhisk

Learn the basics of Apache OpenWhisk for serverless computing. Explore setup, triggers, and more. Enroll now!

Automating Transaction Workflows with Kandula

Master the implementation of transaction workflow automation with Kandula. This course covers creating, managing, and optimizing automated transaction workflows.

Automating Application Deployment with Karaf

Master the implementation of application deployment automation with Karaf. This course covers creating, managing, and optimizing automated deployment workflows.

Automating Analytics Workflows with Kibble

Master the implementation of analytics workflow automation with Kibble. This course covers creating, managing, and optimizing automated analytics workflows.

Automating Business Rules Workflows with Kie

Master the implementation of business rules workflow automation with Kie. This course covers creating, managing, and optimizing automated business rules workflows.

Automating Security Workflows with Knox

Master the implementation of security workflow automation with Knox. This course covers creating, managing, and optimizing automated security workflows.

Automating Analytics Workflows with Kudu

Master the implementation of analytics workflow automation with Kudu. This course covers creating, managing, and optimizing automated analytics workflows.

Automating Analytics Workflows with Kylin

Master the implementation of analytics workflow automation with Kylin. This course covers creating, managing, and optimizing automated analytics workflows.

Automating SQL Query Workflows with Kyuubi

Master the implementation of SQL query workflow automation with Kyuubi. This course covers creating, managing, and optimizing automated SQL query workflows.

Automating Content Management Workflows with Lenya

Master the implementation of content management workflow automation with Lenya. This course covers creating, managing, and optimizing automated CMS workflows.

Email Workflow Automation with James-Hupa

Master the implementation of email workflow automation with James-Hupa. This course covers creating, managing, and optimizing automated email workflows.

Automating Multi-cloud Workflows with Jclouds

Master the implementation of multi-cloud workflow automation with Jclouds. This course covers creating, managing, and optimizing automated workflows.

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