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Advanced Apache Tomee Development

Unlock advanced Apache Tomee techniques. Learn CDI, JAX-RS, and more. Enroll now!

Apache Streams for Event-driven Architectures

Learn to build event-driven architectures with Apache Streams. Explore event sourcing, CQRS, and more. Enroll now!

Apache OpenWebBeans for Microservices

Learn to build microservices using Apache OpenWebBeans. Explore dependency injection, CDI, and more. Enroll now!

Memcached Best Practices and Use Cases

Explore best practices and real-world use cases for Memcached deployments. Learn caching strategies, deployment patterns, and performance optimization techniques with Memcached.

Scalable Event-driven Architecture with Kafka

Learn to build scalable event-driven architectures with Kafka. Explore microservices, event sourcing patterns, and Kafka Streams for real-time data processing.

Event-driven Architectures with Apache Helix

Learn to build event-driven systems with Apache Helix. Explore event sourcing patterns, event-driven workflows, and distributed messaging solutions with Helix.

Introduction to Apache Dubbo

Get started with Apache Dubbo for microservices. Explore remote procedure call (RPC), service registration, and load balancing with Dubbo.

Advanced Distributed Coordination with Apache Curator

Take your distributed coordination skills to the next level with Apache Curator. Explore transaction management, distributed scheduling, and complex coordination patterns with Curator.

Camel for Microservices

Build efficient microservices with Apache Camel. Learn microservice architecture, service discovery, and inter-service communication.

Camel Integration with Kubernetes

Integrate Apache Camel with Kubernetes for scalable applications. Learn container orchestration, service meshes, and efficient resource management.

Brpc for Microservices

Build efficient microservices with Apache Brpc. Learn microservice architecture, service discovery, and inter-service communication.

Brpc Integration with Kubernetes

Integrate Apache Brpc with Kubernetes for scalable applications. Learn container orchestration, service meshes, and efficient resource management.

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